GVH's (Hungarian Competition Authority) Staff Training Seminar "How to become more effective and more efficient", in Budapest, Hungary. Organized by the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Professor William Kovacic, Director of the CLC, was a keynote speaker and gave a presentation on "Key elements to consider in a competition agency.” Alejandro Ibarra, Fellow Associate of the CLC, was an invited speaker and spoke on the panels "Institutional framework/legal consequences of infringements” (jointly with Ms. María Pilar Canedo, Academic Director of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Eastern Europe and Central Asia), “Judicial Review of competition cases in Hungary” (jointly with Francisco Marcos), and on the "Roundtable on Success and Failure cases of Competition Authorities” (jointly with Paola Sfasciotti, Tamir Reindel and Thomas Deisenhofer).